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Understanding the Art of Sage Burning

This unique and ancient spiritual ritual was adopted from our Native American brothers and sisters. The thick white smoke will clear up all negative energy and bad vibes in & around your space. It's also used for healing rituals of body, mind and spirit. I practice this art on a daily basis to help me & my space feel lighter. So what are some of the reasons you use sage?

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Angie Maye
Angie Maye
Oct 07, 2020

I'm excited to hear that you are a sager as well! Yes I do also use to clean my stones or any second hand items I bring in contact with me or my family!


Renada Williams
Renada Williams
Oct 06, 2020

I sage for the same reasons. I work multiple jobs & come into contact with so many different spirits & energies. It’s a self care regiment. I also burn sage to cleanse my healing stones because I sometimes forget to place them in the path of the moonlight.

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